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Guide de la céramique en belgique/keramiekgids voor belgië/guide to ceramics in belgium

Ceramic Review
Ceramic review is read around the world by potters, students, enthusiasts and collectors. articles published are practical, technical and experiential, although writings which are theoretical and look at the role of ceramics within contemporary culture are also included.

Ceramic Monthly
Work and play: the potter's life. six well-respected, professional, full-time potters share decades of knowledge and experience. ceramics monthly is a magazine for serious, dedicated ceramic artists who require relevant, informed content on contemporary ceramic art, from functional ceramics and pottery to ceramic sculpture and conceptual art. our broad coverage includes inspirational artist profiles, practical technical information for the studio, full-color images of artist’s works, insightful topical presentations, timely exhibition reviews, and the only comprehensive listings of events and calls for entry in the ceramic-art world.

Onder deze naam geeft de stichting klei & hobby een tweemaandelijks blad met informatie over het werken met klei op elk niveau uit.

Neue Keramik
Neue Keramik

Pottery Making
Pottery making illustrated is a bimonthly magazine that features step by step instructions on pottery making and ceramic sculpture techniques. each issue contains practical information from experts and professionals presented in a well-illustrated format dealing with every aspect of pottery making, such as throwing, handbuilding, glazing, firing, materials and equipment. pmi has useful information for professional potters, sculptors, enthusiasts, teachers and students.

Popular Ceramics
Popular Ceramics

Ned. vakgroep keramisten homepage. alles wat u weten wil over de nederlandse keramiek

Vormen uit Vuur
Historische en eigentijdse ceramiek en glas staan bij een groot publiek in de belangstelling. Aspecten als productie, vormgeving, decoratie, maar ook de cultuurhistorische achtergronden maken ceramiek en glas boeiend om te bestuderen of te verzamelen. Wie ge?nteresseerd is in deze onderwerpen wordt lid van de Nederlandse vereniging van vrienden van ceramiek en glas.

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